All About Ophiuchus

You’ve likely seen some of my posts about the sign of Ophiuchus and people are either curious about it or automatically want to fight me on it because it goes against their current belief systems. Turns out, it’s a thing. Keep reading to understand.

The more I learn, the more I realize there’s a lot within astrology (especially Western astrology) that is incorrect, misunderstood and/or just flat out wrong. I’ll be honest, 3 years ago if someone made a post about Ophiuchus I would have instantly disregarded what they were saying because I personally wasn’t at a space where I had an open mind about learning new things beyond what I was already taught. Wild times out here, amiright? With that being said, welcome to understanding Ophiuchus.

This post will break down the sign of Ophiuchus, its symbolism, what it means, some of the dates to look out for and the archetypal themes that come along with it. I’ll warn you now, a lot of Scorpios & Sagittarius placements are *actually* Ophiuchus placements so keep that in mind as you read.


Ophiuchus is a zodiac constellation along the sun’s ecliptic path (meaning - the 360 degree path of the sun within the constellations of the zodiac) that is between Scorpio and Sagittarius. The sun (and other planets/luminaries) travel over the right foot of Ophiuchus who is considered to be “The Serpent Bearer” or “Serpent Handler.”

An older name for this constellation is “Serpentarius”. The symbolism of Ophiuchus is important to understand and comprehend if you want to understand the archetypes (characteristics) as well.

The man depicted within the constellation is Asclepius who is known for his healing abilities. He was born to Apollo (a god) and Coronis (a mortal woman), making him a hybrid, or Demi-God. From a very young age, he was raised by the Centaur Chiron (the healer/and/or/wound that we refer to sometimes within natal charts, if the name sounds familiar, yes, same dude/centaur - which is also the same man/centaur represented within the zodiac constellation of Sagittarius).

Chiron taught Asclepius the art of healing through herbal medicines, drugs to treat and cure, cupping and understanding human immunity/utilization of immune systems, sound healing, reiki, energy work, and also spiritual connection and healing through divine guidance/energy/love.

Chiron teaching Asclepius

Asclepius got so good at healing that he was able to raise people from the dead or stop them from dying even if that was their fate determined by other gods. Zeus wasn’t into that (ruler of the gods at the time) and was like, “No absolutely not” (I mean, probably, idk what he actually said) and some stories say he killed Asclepius with a lightning bolt and threw him into the sky and others say he just made him stop healing people in that manner. Knowing Zeus though (kind of a massive a-hole) he probably did kill him and put him into the sky.

Within the constellation, we see Asclepius holding a snake— the snake is the constellation of “Serpens.” The name classification “ophidian” is “relating or denoting snakes” and “Ophidia” is “reptile group/small snake” which is where the name “Ophiuchus” comes from.

In the constellation of Ophiuchus, Asclepius is holding the snake in a way that suggests he has power over it or has “charmed” it in a sense to get it to work for him. There’s another story that says he killed a snake and it was brought back to life with magical herbs brought by another snake, but given Asclepius’ background in healing, he would have already known how to do that himself if he had wanted to.

The rod of Asclepius is seen as an international symbol of health and healing. Not to be confused with the Caduceus, the staff of Hermes, the trickster god of liars, gamblers and commerce, who's symbolism is largely seen specifically in the American medical system.

Ophiuchus Archetypes and Themes:

  • Generational healing abilities - noticing what needs to be healed within family lines (mind, body, spirit, soul)

  • Can sometimes feel like a “healer’s burden” - it’s an honor to be able to do it but takes a lot of time, effort, and energy and your heart truly has to be in it

  • Advanced knowledge of self, ancestral lineage, and cultural roots - sometimes buried in subconscious and knowledge needs to be brought forward from within if forgotten

  • A reconnection with the spiritual side of life for self and helping others as well

  • Mind - Body - Soul - Spirit self-integration through unconditional love energy and healing methods

  • Embracing unconditional love for self first and learning how to extend it to others as that is the basis of all divine healing work

  • Getting to know and reconnecting with your spiritual family in the non-physical

  • Working with the elements- unique understanding and abilities through combinations of water, air, earth, fire and love/spirit

  • Alchemy - changing states of energy

  • Connection to angels (aka aliens)

  • Frequencies and sound for healing - understanding and utilization of

  • Completing cycles and not continuing them - knowing something needs to finish before moving onto the next step (could also look at this from the evolutionary perspective of learning how to complete a cycle before moving into Sagittarius energy which is one’s true divine path)

  • Knowing your enemy - understanding what you’re up against spiritually, culturally, socially and psychologically

  • Ability to see through and into people and handle situations with emotional manipulators without being easily impacted

  • Being able to see clear beginnings and ends to cycles in own life and societally - knowing that nothing can continue as is for eternity and helping to facilitate that change

Asclepius (Ophiuchus) healing a woman of her ailments.

Shadow aspects of this energy can include:

  • “Snake” like behavior and lying to get what you want

  • Trickery

  • Hiding knowledge from others to keep it for oneself for power purposes

  • Using power for selfish purposes and not aiding collective

  • Elaborate schemes that play on people’s psyches and feelings

  • High expectations for personal treatment while simultaneously not reciprocating that energy with others

  • Holding others to higher standards than they hold themselves to

  • Purposeful withholding of information, love, or other things they know someone else’s wants for control purpose

Ophiuchus Ruling Planet and Element:

Ophiuchus ruling planet: Jupiter

Ophiuchus Element: Spirit/Love

Spirit/Love is literally the 5th element (not metal) and Ophiuchus at its high vibrations radiates this energy completely and totally.

Ophiuchus Dates:

The sun generally travels through the constellation of Ophiuchus around December 1st to December 19th, but it can have slight variations year-to-year so be sure to check an astronomy app or Stellarium for the most accurate information.

Also, check to see if you have any other planets within the constellation of Ophiuchus as well!

The Sun traveling through Ophiuchus on December 13, 2024.

Let me know if you have any thoughts or questions in the comments! Thanks for staying curious about astrology and expanding your knowledge.

Also, if you find you have Ophiuchus placements please let me know your experience with this energy as this was mostly channeled information but lived experiences are very important as well.

About The Author:

Astronomic Astrologer - Lillia Polivoda

Leo Sun
Capricorn Moon
Libra Rising

Lillia has been studying and practicing astrology since 2018. Throughout her studies, she has developed a system of astrology called Astronomic Astrology which connects Astrology & Astronomy, bridging the gap between the past and the present.

Learn more about Astronomic Astrology with Lillia as your guide in the full video Educational Course: