Astronomic Astrology Educational Course

This course is designed to bridge the gaps between astrology and astronomy.

We will explore:

The mythology, symbolism and archetypes associated with the 13 zodiac constellations

Alignments to fixed stars in neighboring constellations & what they mean for you

Physical properties of the planets & how to interpret

Learn how it all connects:

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Meet your instructor

Meet your instructor ✳

Astronomic Astrology Lillia Polivoda


“We have A LOT to learn, together!

Hi friends, I’m super excited to offer this course to help you broaden your perspectives and knowledge!

I am Astronomic Astrologer, Lillia Polivoda, and I’ve been practicing astrology since 2018 after a life long interest in it. If you’re anything like me, you were likely the person who was looking up your horoscope, zodiac characteristics and relationship compatibility with your crush back in middle school - who knew there was so much more to learn?!

Luckily, the more we stick with something, the deeper we can fully grasp the concepts offered.

It’s pretty incredible what we can learn about ourselves and how we relate to others through astrology. Beyond just our sun signs, we have learned (or maybe you’re wanting to learn) how to use and apply astrology and the energy of the stars and planets to benefit our lives and thus the lives of those around us.

Thank you for trusting me to teach you this information!

What you’ll learn

  • Learn about:

    • How to use to interpret for astrology

    • The Sun’s Ecliptic Path

    • Why we include Ophiuchus

    • The degrees for each zodiac constellation

    • Houses and Rising Sign according to Astronomic Astrology

  • Learn about all of the planets both on a physical level and how we interpret for them astrologically.

    This course discusses:
    Sun, Moon, Rising, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Dwarf Planet Pluto.

  • We explore the mythology, symbolism and astrological interpretations for all of the zodiac constellations:

    In addition to the zodiac constellations, we also consider the influence of fixed stars in neighboring constellations, allowing you to gain additional understanding of the natural energies and influences you were born under.

What You’ll Receive in This Course:

  • Astronomic Astrology Natal Chart

  • 30 Educational Videos - over 20 hours of lessons

  • Unlimited Forever Access to Course and any Content Updates

  • Astronomic Astrology Transit Google Calendar

  • PDF version of Astronomic Astrology Course

  • Degree & Star Alignment PDF & Shared Google Doc

  • Planetary Guide PDF

Course FAQ

  • Back in 2020, I (Lillia) was using an app on my cell phone to view Venus in the sky. At the time, I was following Tropical Astrology and Venus was, “in Gemini” so I expected to be able to find Venus in the sky in alignment with Gemini. But, that’s not what I saw. I saw Venus very clearly in Taurus and NOT Gemini.

    That confused me and when I am confused, I learn everything I can to overcome that feeling.

    What I learned that would change the way I view astrology and the sky forever is that modern (tropical) astrology is based on the timeline of 0 AD on repeat, not taking into account the changes that have occurred in the sky (yes, the sky shifts over time). Making their interpretations off sometimes up to 26 degrees! Meaning, many people have the wrong placements on their natal chart.

    Once I understood that, I started to look into other systems of astrology and found that none of them correlated with astronomy precisely, which is what lead me to create the Astronomic Astrology system. Not only does this system fully align astrology with astronomy but also takes into consideration fixed stars within neighboring constellations beyond the zodiac, offering a deep perspective and understanding of the natural energetic influences when you were born.

  • THAT is a great question! Astronomic Astrology looks specifically at the sun’s ecliptic path which is simply the path the sun travels along as it makes a full 360 degree rotation.

    Because we look at the sun’s ecliptic path to determine which constellations the sun travels through, it’s impossible to ignore that the sun travels through Ophiuchus, which is between Scorpio and Sagittarius.

    The constellations the sun travels through are considered to be “Zodiac Constellations” BECAUSE the sun travels through them, so, we include Ophiuchus for that reason.

    Bonus reasons to include Ophiuchus:
    Ophiuchus is the divine healer and is especially equipped to end cycles. It was hidden for a reason, so society doesn’t heal, and it shows. Time to bring him back to life.

  • Yes! If you were using tropical or sidereal, yes. Some people’s more dramatically than others.

    Because astronomic astrology uses the astronomic dates for each zodiac sign, not all of the signs are 30°. Some signs like Scorpio are only 9° total whereas Taurus is 36°, for example.

    Because of this, all of your planets will likely shift a sign. But not in all cases.

  • The interesting part is, it still is accurate depending on which timeline you’d like to be on.

    Astronomic Astrology offers an alignment with nature and what is happening currently/present day, while Tropical and Sidereal do not.

    Also, many people’s progressed Astronomic charts often end up looking a lot like their tropical chart.

  • Although the topics covered are advanced in nature, I did my best to create this course so that someone who has never learned about astrology before can gain a deep understanding of the concepts and how to apply them.

    I am also open to any questions to help clarify! Don’t be afraid to ask questions, in fact, please do! Everyone is encouraged to use the comments sections on each video for Q & A.

  • I will be updating the course continually as I gain additional information that feels relevant to share with all!

    The cool part is, ANY and EVERY TIME I update this course, as long as you purchased it once, you will forever also get access to the updated versions.

    (this excludes any additional astrologer specific courses I put out in the future)